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dc.contributor.authorبغانة, عبدالسلام-
dc.identifier.citationمداخلة بالملتقى الوطني قيم الثورة الجزائرية من التحرر الوطني إلى الإشعاع العالميen_US
dc.descriptionمداخلة بالملتقى الوطني قيم الثورة الجزائرية من التحرر الوطني إلى الإشعاع العالمي المنعقد بتاريخ 29-30 أكتوبر 2024en_US
dc.description.abstractThe preamble to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide included a reference to the fact that this crime has inflicted heavy losses on humanity in various eras and that it is an evil that requires the cooperation of members of the international community to confront it. Later, the international community realized the danger of the crime of genocide and stated in the preamble to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court that it is one of the most serious crimes that raises concern for the entire international community and must not go unpunished. There can be no more important issue or more binding commitment than the commitment to prevent the crime of genocide and punish its commission, according to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. This is considered one of the original goals of the establishment of the United Nations. The repressed pains that the scourges of war brought to humanity included the crime of genocide. Since the Algerian people were victims of the crime of genocide throughout the years of French colonialism, France has continued to downplay the horror of its crimes committed during its occupation of Algeria. Independent Algeria What Colonial France committed its regular and irregular military forces the most blatant crimes witnessed by humanity. These crimes affected humans and the environment and were committed within the framework of a systematic policy aimed at eliminating the Algerian community, distinguished by its nationality and religion from the colonizer who settled in Algeria. The crime of genocide of the Algerian people by the French colonialists is manifested in various forms of this crime according to what was codified by the international community through the agreement concluded on December 9, 1948, one day before the issuance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipكلية الآداب والحضارة الإسلاميةen_US
dc.publisherكلية الآداب والحضارة الإسلاميةen_US
dc.subjectالاحتلال الفرنسيen_US
dc.subjectالإبادة الجماعيةen_US
dc.subjectالقانون الدوليen_US
dc.titleمداخلة جريمة الإبادة الجماعية وصورها أثناء الاستعمار الفرنسي في الجزائرen_US
Appears in Collections:أعمال الملتقيات الوطنية

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