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Title: مؤلفات الجزائريين وجهودهم في خدمة صحيح البخاري من خلال كتاب: " معجم أعلام الجزائر
Authors: إدريس, بن مجدوب
Keywords: صحيح البخاري
مؤلفات الجزائريين
معجم أعلام الجزائر
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Algerian works
The Biographies of Algerian Scholars.
Issue Date: 22-أبر-2024
Publisher: كلية أصول الدين - جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلامية
Citation: مداخلة في الملتقى الوطني تحت عنوان: مدرسة الإمام البخاري في الجزائر: التاريخ –الامتداد-الآفاق يومي 13-14شوال1445هـ الموافق لـــ 22 - 23 أفريل 2024م
Abstract: لقد لقي صحيح الإمام البخاري من أهل العلم الجزائريين عناية بالغة، رواية ودراية، فيكروا تحصيل، واجتهدوا في تعلمه وتعليمه، وتفننوا في خدمت، وتنوعت جهودهم حوله. فظهرت على أسس وقواعد أعمالهم العلمية مدرسة مستقلة المنهج والخصائص، لها مكانتها، ويعتمد عليها. يحاول هذا البحث كشف الستار عن هذه المدرسة وأعلامها، بالإستقراء التام لأحد كتب التراجم التي عنيت بأعلام الجزائر خاصة، والذي اتصف في مادته بالشمول والاختصار، وصاحبه أحد البارزين من العاملين في ميدان التراجم العربية وتراجم العلماء في هذا العصر. Algerian scholars have shown great interests towards the narration and knowledge of Sahih Al-Bukhari book. Hence, they spurted ahead in its education, worked hard in learning and teaching it, they have been mastered in its service and their efforts varied around it. Therefore, an independent school of the curriculum and characteristics has been emerged based on the foundation and rules of their scientific work. This school, however is reliable and has its own status. This investigation tries to unveil this school and its pioneers, by completely extrapolating one of the biography books that was concerned with Algeria’s learned men in particular, which is 3characterised in its article by comprehensiveness and concision, it’s founder is one of the prominent workers in the field of Arabic biographies and this era’s scholars biographies. This research which is labelled: The Works of Algerians and their efforts in the Service of Sahih Al-Bukhari through the book “The Biographies of Algerian Scholars” is intended to state the works of Algerians about Sahih Al-Bukhari on one hand, and to indicate the extent to which the book “The Biographies of Algerian Scholars” was absorbed in The research concluded that Algerian’s efforts on Sahih Al-Bukhari in terms of both narrating and knowingness are of great importance, and have a noticeable impact in others. Although it was an individual effort, the book “The Biographies of Algerian Scholars” has not missed a big thing.
Appears in Collections:منشورات مخابر البحث

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