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dc.contributor.authorعبد الجليل, قريان-
dc.identifier.citationمداخلة في الملتقى الوطني الموسوم بـ : التقد في التفسير عند مفسري الغرب الإسلامي يوم الثلاثاء 22 شوال 1445هـ الموافق لـ 30 أفريل 2024مen_US
dc.description.abstractAbu Hayyan Al-Andalusi (654-745 AH) is considered one of the greatest scholars who achieved an immense fame in the East and the West, both past and present ;because he enriched and enhanced the Islamic library with various and numerous books , besides in What he specialized in such as Quranic, linguistic and grammatical studies, the aptly named “Al-Bahr Al-Muhit fi AlTafsir” was one of his most important books, and even many scholars considered and acknowledged that, this keystone is worthy of this description because of the great topics it contains, and the precious details it stores, this interpretation is still being considered by scholars and researchers until nowadays,they took a huge adnatages and benefits from it. In his interpretation, Abu Hayyan addressed some of his perception on philosophy in the context of his interpretation of some of the holy verses of Quran ; his criticism of them was harsh, to the point that he made the presumption of disbelief and its imitators more severe against Islam than the Jews and Christians. The problematical thing that this paper addresses revolves around the starting points of Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi’s perception and understandindg of philosophy, and his harsh criticism of it and its supporters impersonators 3 among the scholars, or among the commentators who preceded him, led by AlFakhr Al-Razi (d. 606 AH)? What is the evidence that he included in his interpretation of Al-Bahr Al-Muhit? How did he have this perveption? What is his background towards her? Was he independent in his opinion or influenced by others? In this paper we will try to answer all these questions, In its context, and we will underline the topics of philosophy, what they contained before Abu Hayyan, and what their topics became in his time. Did Abu Hayyan participate in it that formed his opinion about it? And was he, in his interpretation, truly critical of philosophy and its propositions disproving, as well as correcting its mistakes and pitfalls? Or is his opinion on it inspired and influenced by the jurisprudential culture that was deeply rooted in him since he was a young man and then he fled from Andalusia because of it. It became more firmly settled in his mind later in the East where he had become.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipكلية أصول الدينen_US
dc.publisherكلية أصول الدين - جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلاميةen_US
dc.subjectأبوحيان الأندلسيen_US
dc.subjectالنقد الفلسفيen_US
dc.subjectالمنطلقات الرؤيةen_US
dc.subjectالثقافة الفقهائيةen_US
dc.subjectAbu Hayyan Al-Andalusien_US
dc.subjectphilosophical criticismen_US
dc.subjectvisionary principlesen_US
dc.subjectjurisprudential culture.en_US
dc.titleأبو حيان الأندلسي ونقده الفلسفة اليونانية من خلال تفسيره البحر المحيطen_US
dc.title.alternativeAbu Hayyan Al-Andalusi and his criticism of Greek philosophy through his interpretation of the "Albahr Al Mohiten_US
Appears in Collections:أعمال الملتقيات الوطنية

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