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dc.contributor.authorعبد الرحيم, ثابت-
dc.identifier.citationمداخلة في الملتقى الوطني تحت عنوان: مدرسة الإمام البخاري في الجزائر: التاريخ –الامتداد-الآفاق يومي 13-14شوال1445هـ الموافق لـــ 22 - 23 أفريل 2024مen_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper, which was intended to participate in the meeting of the Imam al-Bukhari school in Algiers, seeks to acknowledge the scientific effort of the flags of Algeria, which are guarded in the service of the Cabinet for the Year's Dawwyn, and each of its original origins, and which was filled by the door, namely, the true Imam alBukhari. God rest him. This imam is Imam Abu Ishak, son of Gregol al-Humzi al-Humrani, whose service and care were evacuated by the imam al-Bukhari's right in his celebration of a strange statement. He explained the problem of his words in his book.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipكلية أصول الدينen_US
dc.publisherكلية أصول الدين - جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلاميةen_US
dc.subjectالجهود اللغويةen_US
dc.subjectالإمام ابن قرقولen_US
dc.subjectصحيح البخاريen_US
dc.subjectLanguage effortsen_US
dc.subjectimam son of Gregolen_US
dc.titleالجهود اللغوية لعلماء الجزائر في خدمة صحيح البخاري الإمام ابن قرقول الحمزي الوهراني أنموذجاen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe linguistic efforts of Algerian scientists in the service of Al-Bukhari, imam, son of Gargul Hamzi, and Uhrani, modeled.en_US
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